international cooperation

"Security in the Western Balkans affects security in the European Union" - Conclusion of the conference on strengthening cooperation in the fight against serious crime 27 March 2008
Conference on strengthening the cooperation in the fight against serious crime - contribution of regional threat assessments to security in Europe 25 March 2008
Director General of the Slovenian Police Visits His Macedonian Colleague 25 March 2008
Conference on Police Cooperation with the Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Education and Training of Police Officers 19 March 2008
Opening of the conference on police cooperation with the Western Balkan countries in the field of education and training of police officers 18 March 2008
The Truck Action - Slovenian Police Coordinate the Largest Pan- European Supervision of International Goods Transport 14 March 2008
Conference on Police Cooperation in the Field of Education and Training for the Western Balkan Countries 13 March 2008
Top European Experts on Safety at Sports Events Gather in Ljubljana 7 March 2008
Meeting of Slovenian and Bavarian Police Chiefs in Slovenia 22 February 2008
CEPOL Governing Board Adopts 2009 Work Programme and Draft Budget 20 February 2008
Joint SCIFA and CATS Seminar 18 January 2008
Robbers of the petrol station in Skofije apprehended - information from the press conference 15 January 2008
European Police Chiefs Task Force (EPCTF) Expanded Troika Meeting in Ljubljana 15 January 2008
Europol Director pays a visit to Director General of the Slovenian Police 21 December 2007
Meeting of the Support Unit of the European Police Chiefs Task Force (EPCTF) in Ljubljana 20 December 2007
Work of the Police Force in the Council of the European Union 19 May 2006
Slovenian Police Officers in Kosovo Decorated 18 April 2005
Police officers off to Jordan 13 January 2005
Police officers off to police missions 11 January 2005