


Internal Investigation and Integrity Division

  Internal Investigation and Integrity Division carries out tasks in the following areas: provision of internal security and the safety of police employees; detection, prevention and investigation of criminal conduct by police employees; examination and evaluation of ethical conduct and integrity of police employees and of the risks threatening internal security within the police; examination and evaluation of the circumstances where a police officer carries out work that could represent an obstacle to the performance of police tasks; security clearance of individuals: prior to entering into an employment relationship for performing tasks within the police, prior to the conclusion of a contract on voluntary service within the auxiliary police; of police employees: prior to being transferred or seconded to specific posts within the police and prior to being seconded to international civilian missions and international  organisations; tenderers who have submitted a tender to carry out work for the police or in police premises pursuant to the public procurement regulations; persons who will carry out work for the police or in police premises for a tenderer who has submitted a tender pursuant to the public procurement regulations; organisation of free legal assistance to police officers, auxiliary police officers and former police officers against whom pre-trial proceedings are being conducted or against whom criminal or contentious proceedings have been instituted for having performed police tasks which, according to the assessment of the police, were performed in compliance with the regulations.   It cooperates: with the competent law enforcement authority investigating cases of police officers who are suspected of having committed criminal offences; with the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption in implementing the plan of integrity and in dealing with the issue of non-public contacts (lobbying) and gifts that may be received by police employees; with other authorities investigating events and conduct that constitute a violation of regulations, internal acts or codes of ethical conduct in force for police employees and have a negative impact on internal security in the police or damage the reputation of the police. The provision of internal security is a police task. The police ensure internal security by applying internal security procedures so as to prevent, detect, evaluate and analyse potential risks threatening the internal security of the police, and check, evaluate and implement measures aimed at reducing the risks of degrading the integrity of police employees and police units. The police ensure the organisational and personal integrity of the employees. The police have their own code of ethical conduct. Internal security in the police is a situation enabling lawful, professional and smooth performance of police tasks and ensuring the safety of police employees and safe use of technical means and equipment, facilities, premises and environs. (Article 31 of the Organisation and Work of the Police Act) The types and methods of implementing the procedures and measures are laid down in the Rules on Internal Security within the police.



IT and Telecommunications Office

No organisation, including the Police, can operate without adequate logistical support. Despite not being in the public eye, these general and associated services are very important for the police organisation and its operation.



General Police Directorate

  Organization Service of the Director General of the Police Special Unit Security and Protection Centre Uniformed Police Directorate Criminal Police Directorate National Forensic Laboratory Police Specialities Directorate Police Academy IT and Telecommunications Office Contact Štefanova 21501 Ljubljana Location: Litostrojska c. 54, 1501 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +386 1 428 40 00Fax: +386 1 251 43 30 E-mail:



Service of the Director General of the Police

Organization Development and System Task Division Planning and Analysis Section Police Powers Division Internal Investigation and Integrity Division Public Relations Division International Police Operations Division Police Orchestra (Presentation Film (wmv, 40 MB))  
