


Accessibility statement

The following is Accessibility Statement for the official website of Slovenian police. The content admin of Slovenian police website is the Public Relations Division of Slovenian police and technical admin is the IT and telecommunications Office of the General Police Directorate.



Slovenia's police do not take crime or minor offence reports via their social media profiles - notice

Slovenia's police do not take crime or minor offence reports via their social media profiles. If you need to report an incident requiring police intervention, always call 113! If you are the victim or eye-witness of a crime or if you have been involved in a car accident or have witnessed one or if you wish to report a public order or a road traffic violation or if you need the assistance of police officers, please contact your nearest police station or call 113. Call 080 1200 if you wish to assist in crime investigation and remain anonymous. You may also email your questions to  



V Ljubljani je bila ukradena Alfa romeo 156

V noči na 20. 12. 2018 je bil v Ljubljani ukraden osebni avtomobil Alfa romeo 156 SW 1.9 JTD, letnik 2001, črne barve, z registrsko številko LJ 52-5SR.



Kronika zadnjih 24 ur

V preteklih 24 urah so Operativno komunikacijski centri po Sloveniji sprejeli 1256 klicev. Med 461 interventnimi klici, ki so zahtevali posredovanje policistov, je bilo med drugim prijavljenih tudi 126 prometnih nesreč, 45 kršitev javnega reda in miru ter 83 kaznivih dejanj. Na področju prometne varnosti se je zgodilo 16 prometnih nesreč z lažjimi telesnimi poškodbami. V preostalih 110 nesrečah je nastala le premoženjska škoda.Zaradi hujšega prekrška v cestnem prometu smo zasegli 2 vozili na območju policijske uprave Ljubljana. Zaradi vožnje pod vplivom alkohola nismo pridržali nobenega voznika. Na področju javnega reda in miru smo opravili 28 intervencij na javnih krajih in 17 v zasebnih prostorih. Pridržali smo 1 kršitelja na območju policijske uprave Ljubljana. Pri kaznivih dejanjih smo obravnavali 34 tatvin, 24 vlomov, 9 poškodovanj tuje stvari,6 ponarejanj denarja, po 4 grožnje in povzročitve telesnih poškodb, ter po 1 kaznivo dejanje v zvezi s prepovedanimi drogami in ponarejanje listin. Da bi zaščitili žrtve nasilja v družini smo 2 osebam na območju policijskih uprav Ljubljana in Novo mesto izrekli ukrep prepovedi približevanja.



Areas of Work

Police officers are competent for performing numerous tasks. Our competences and organisation are stipulated by the Police Tasks and Powers Act and the Organisation and Work of the Police Act, while tasks are defined in various relevant acts, for example, regarding road traffic rules, state border control, foreigners, criminal procedure, minor offences, etc. In cooperation with individuals and communities and other bodies, we thus provide for the security of people and property, prevent, detect and investigate minor offences and criminal acts, maintain public peace and order, control state borders, and regulate and control road traffic. In addition to this, we also perform other tasks and are active in areas of work such as community-oriented policing, operational-communication activity, forensic and criminal technology activity, education, training and advanced training, international cooperation and peacekeeping missions, public relations, work with police dogs and horses, activity in the field of information technology and telecommunications, activity of specialised units (for example, airborne police unit, special units, special police units, police orchestra), sport activity, museum activity, etc. Basic areas of work of the police detecting and investigating criminal acts maintaining public peace and order regulating and controlling road traffic state border control protecting people and buildings  




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Stran ne obstaja Zahtevana stran ne obstaja na tem strežniku. Povezava, kateri ste sledili, je zastarela ali napačna. Preverite naslov!   Page not found The requested URL was not found on this server Maybe the link to that file has changed, is outdated or inaccurate. Check the URL!      



Information on the use of cookies on the Police website

In accordance with the new Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom-1), which entered into force at the beginning of 2013, we would like to inform visitors to the Police website that we use cookies to ensure proper functioning of the website. If you click "Accept cookies" If you click "Accept cookies", the setting that you allow cookies will be saved on your computer (until cookies are deleted). If you do not click "Accept cookies" If you do not click "Accept cookies" but continue to use our website, the information on cookies will remain on top of the page and it will be understood that you agree with their use as indicated by your actions. What are cookies? Cookies are very small files generated by the website during your visit to our website and saved on your computer. Cookies contain settings for the web site, font size, language, etc. Depending on their purpose, cookies can sometimes be used without specific user consent, while in other cases user consent is required. Our website uses the following cookies: essential (session) cookies A session cookie is generated when you access our website and is used for storing information such as language selection, the tab you are on, font size, etc. A session cookie is deleted as soon as you close the window. analytical cookies generated by Matomo Matomo (formerly Piwik) is an open-source web analytics platform, which enables website owners to better understand how visitors use their websites. All data is anonymised and does not enable individual visitor recognition. The platform uses several cookies, with names such as “_pk_id” and “_pk_ses”. Privacy settings By clicking “Choose cookies” you can opt to disable analytical cookies. Related content You can learn more about website administrators' obligations under the new Electronic Communications Act in the Information Commissioner's document entitled: Guidelines on the Use of Cookies (in Slovenian only) {fa-external-link}



Podrobnejše informacije o uporabi piškotkov na spletnih straneh policije

V skladu z Zakonom o elektronskih komunikacijah (ZEKom-1), ki je začel veljati v začetku leta 2013, obveščamo obiskovalce spletnih strani policije, da za njihovo pravilno delovanje uporabljamo t. i. piškotke (v angl. cookies). Če boste kliknili na "Sprejemam piškotke" Če boste kliknili na gumb "Sprejemam piškotke", se vam bo nastavitev, da se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov, shranila na vaš računalnik (do izbrisa piškotkov). Če ne boste kliknili na "Sprejemam piškotke" Če ne boste kliknili na gumb "Sprejemam piškotke" in boste kljub temu nadaljevali z uporabo naše spletne strani, bo opozorilo o piškotkih ostalo izpisano v spodnjem delu strani, mi pa bomo šteli, da se z njihovo uporabo strinjate, saj ste to nakazali s svojim delovanjem. Kaj so piškotki? Piškotki so majhne datoteke, ki jih spletna stran ustvari med vašim obiskom naše strani in jih shrani na vaš računalnik. V piškotkih so lahko shranjene nastavitve za spletno mesto, za velikost besedil, jezik itd. Pri nekaterih namenih je mogoče piškotke uporabljati brez posebnega soglasja uporabnikov, pri drugih pa je potrebna privolitev uporabnika. Naša spletna stran uporablja naslednje piškotke nujne (sejne) piškotke Sejni piškotek se ustvari, ko odprete našo spletno stran. Sejni piškotek se uporablja za shranjevanje informacij v primerih, kot so izbira jezika, zavihek, na katerem se nahajate, velikost besedila, jezik itd. Sejni piškotek se izbriše, takoj ko zaprete okno.   analitične piškotke (piškotke, ki jih ustvari Matomo) Matomo (nekdanji Piwik) je odprtokodna platforma za spletno analitiko, ki lastnikom spletnih mest omogoča boljše razumevanje, kako obiskovalci uporabljajo njihova spletna mesta. Vsi podatki so anonimizirani in ne omogočajo prepoznavanja posameznih obiskovalcev. Uporablja več piškotkov z imeni, kot sta »_pk_id« in »_pk_ses«. Nastavitev zasebnosti S klikom na gumb "Izberi piškotke" imate možnost nastavitve zasebnosti z odjavo analitičnih piškotkov. Povezane vsebine Več o obveznostih upravljavcev spletnih strani po novem Zakonu o elektronskih komunikacijah je v dokumentu Informacijskega pooblaščenca RS: Smernice o uporabi piškotkov in podobnih sledilnih tehnologij {fa-external-link}



Foreign Police Links

Austria Bundesministerium für Inneres BMI: Kriminalpolizei Bundespolizei     Belgium Politie Police Ministry of Justice     Bolgaria National Police Service Ministry of the Interior     Czech Republic Police of the Czech Republic Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic     Croatia Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske Ministry of Interior     Denmark Danish National Police Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Interior     Finland Police of Finland Ministry of the Interior     France Ministry of Interior La Gendarmerie Nationale     Germany Bundespolizei BKA - Das Bundeskriminalamt Polizei Bayern Polizei Baden-Württemberg Bundesministerium des Innern     Greece Hellenic Police     Hungary Police Ministry of the Interior     Ireland Ireland's National Police Service Department of Justice and Equality: Crime and Law Enforcement     Italy Polizia di Stato Arma dei Carabinieri Il ministero dell'Interno     Lithuania Ministry of Internal Affairs     Luxembourg Police du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg     Macedonia Ministerstvo za vnatrešni raboti     Montenegro Uprava policije Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova     Netherlands Nederlandse politie ACP Police Union Policing for a multi-ethnic society Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations     Norway Politiet National Bureau of Crime Investigation     Poland Polish National Police Ministry of the Interior     Portugal Polícia Segurança Pública Police portugaise Ministry of Internal Administration     Serbia Direkcija policije Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova     Spain Ministerio del Interior Policia Nacional     Sweden Polisen     Switzerland Federal Department of Home Affairs Federal Office of Police     United Kingdom Home Office Police Services of the United Kingdom The Security Service (MI5) Metropolitan Police Service National Crime Agency Police Service of Northern Ireland     USA American K9 Detection Services Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (USA) Bureau of Diplomatic Security (US Department of State) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration FBI Homepage National Fraud Information Center Rewards for Justice United States Marshals Service United States Secret Service     Canada Canadian Police Services Canadian Society of Forensic Science Royal Canadian Mounted Police Ontario Provincial Police Toronto Police Service Calgary Police Service     INTERNATIONAL European Police Association (EPA) EUROPOL INTERPOL International Police Association (IPA) International Association of Auto Theft Investigators International Association of Arson Investigators The International Association of Chiefs of Police International Law Enforcement Academy The International Police Association Radio Club The International Police Mountain Bike Association (IPMBA) International Union of Police Associations International Law Enforcement Forum (ILEF) The International Association of Women Police (IAWP) International Police Peacekeeping International Police Officer Jobs     MISCELLANEOUS A J A X - United States and International Government, Military and Intelligence Agency Access Law Enforcement Links COPQUEST Law Enforcement Resource Page Law Enforcement Info Service Police Foundation Police Guide Police One - Police Officers & Law Enforcement The Police Officer Police Training The World's Most Wanted Pros and Cons of Gun Ownership for Home Security     POLICE INSIGNIA COLLECTORS ASSOCIATIONS Police Insignia Collectors Association Slovenia The Police Insignia Collectors Association of Australia Austrian Police Insignia Collectors Association The Canadian Police Insignia Collectors Association The Police Insignia Collectors Association of Great Britain The Police Memorabilia Collectors Club Collectors Badges Flag graphics look and styles are trademarks of



Useful links

The Slovenian Police is an autonomous body within the Ministry of the Interior   Useful links in the Republic of SLOVENIA State Portal of the Republic of Slovenia State and Public institutions on the Web President of the Republic National Assembly Prime Minister Government Ministries Constitutional Court Supreme Court Court of Audit Office of the State Prosecutor general Human Rights Ombudsman Information Commissioner Useful links in the EU Gateway to the European Union Justice, Freedom and Security in the EU Directorate General for Justice, Freedom and Security of the European Commission Eur-Lex (The access to European law) Official Journal of the EU Slovenia in the EU The European Ombudsman European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) The OLAF Anti-Fraud Communicators Network (OAFCN) EU publications International Police Organizations European Police Association (EPA) International Police Association (IPA) IPA (International Police Association, Section Slovenia) The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Europol Interpol Seci Center Frontex ENP (European network of Policewomen) Mitteleuropäische Polizeiakademie (MEPA) CEPOL(European Police College) ILEA (International Law Enforcement Academies) ENFSI (European Network of Forensic Science Institutes) FOREIGN POLICE LINKS PEACEKEEPING AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS LEGAL SOURCES Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (in Slovenian language) National Assembly (legislation) MISCELLANEOUS The Association of Collectors of Police Insignia Slovenia Traffic Information Centre for public roads Spletno oko (report child pornography and hate speech on the Internet)

