Unadjusted speed is one of the main factors in traffic accidents on Slovenian roads, especially those with the most serious consequences.

It is also often associated with some other factors, such as the wrong-way driving or counterflow driving, wrong overtaking and failure to follow the right-of-way rules. The area of speed is therefore crucial for ensuring better traffic safety.

picture of a police officer with a radar speed gun

Even the slightest speeding can be fatal

Unfortunately, some drivers still do not adapt their speed and driving style to their driving skills, the characteristics, condition and visibility of the road, the density, flow and other characteristics of traffic, weather conditions and the characteristics of the vehicle and load. They forget that traffic and the road do not forgive mistakes. They do not realize that just one moment of inattention is enough to change their lives completely, and that even the slightest speeding can be fatal.

In order to warn drivers about the importance of obeying speed limits and other traffic rules, police officers, in cooperation with other state and non-governmental organizations, have been implementing the campaign Speed - slower is safer for many years.

picture of a police officer with a radar gun, measuring speed

The basic purpose of the campaign, which is carried out every year in several terms, is to reduce the number of traffic accidents that occur due to speed and to reduce their consequences. Our activities are primarily aimed at preventive action, but we also implement tighter speed controls. We pay special attention to speeding in settlements, as well as to returnees and drivers who violate speed limits the most. We also use available stationary radar speed guns and cooperate with the city police, and in this way we try to contribute to greater safety for all road users.

The higher the speeds, the worse the injuries

By obeying speed limits more strictly and an appropriate adaptation of driving to road conditions, many lives could be saved, as the rate of injuries increases in proportion to speed.

Driving within the speed limit can save thousands of lives on European roads.

Even if the average speed in residential areas were reduced by just 1 km/h, the number of traffic accidents would be reduced by approximately 4%. However, a reduction of 1 km/h in average speed outside settlements would mean a reduction in speed-related accidents of around 2%.

Slower is indeed safer, as shown by the fact that the probability of a pedestrian dying in a collision at a speed of 50 km/h is 85%, while at a speed of 30 km/h the probability of a pedestrian dying in a collision is less than 10%.

Higher average speeds are typical especially during periods of good weather when driving characteristics are good. Good visibility, dry roads, and other favorable factors can give drivers a false sense of security, often overestimating their abilities, causing them to drive faster and more aggressively. At the same time, in beautiful and warm weather, i.e. in spring and summer, traffic is heavier, and in addition to drivers of cars and trucks, there are also many pedestrians, cyclists, drivers of motorcycles and bicycles with engines, agricultural machinery, etc. on the roads, which additionally negatively affects traffic safety.

Be responsible and adjust the speed!

Drivers, adjust your driving speed to the applicable limits, as well as to your driving knowledge, experience and to the road conditions!

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Traffic safety