In the police, we strive to ensure that as many drivers as possible use seat belts. In the case of the worst traffic accidents, we repeatedly find that the consequences could be significantly milder if drivers and passengers in the vehicle used it more consistently.

The seat belt is a link with life, something that still too few road users are aware of. It is alarming that many people are still willing to risk their lives by driving while unfastened, thereby endangering their own safety and, most often, the safety of their loved ones in traffic.

The use of seat belts and restraint systems for children is mandatory!

The obligation to fasten a seat belt is imposed by Article 33 of the Road Traffic Rules Act, which imposes a fine on a driver or passenger who is not wearing a seat belt.

picture of fastening a seat belt

Activities of police officers

Slovenian police officers check whether drivers and passengers in vehicles fasten seat belts while driving, both during their regular duties and during occasional tighter controls. Police controls on seat belt use are often coordinated with police in other European countries.

picture of a child car seatPolice officers also participate in many prevention campaigns. Among them is the campaign that the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Road Traffic Safety prepares every year as part of the national program for ensuring road traffic safety.

The purpose of the preventive campaign is to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured in traffic accidents due to non-use of seat belts and to increase their use among drivers and passengers in all vehicles.

As part of the campaign, police officers:

  • implements tighter controls on the mandatory use of seat belts and car seats for children on national and local roads, in all types of cars, and we consistently take action against violators,
  • remind bus and other transport companies about the obligation to use seat belts,
  • visit primary and secondary schools and remind parents at parent-teacher meetings of the mandatory use of seat belts,
  • inform the public about the activities in various other ways.

Did you know?

  • An adult can hold the weight of the body in the event of a collision only up to a speed of 7 km/h with the strength of his arms and legs.
  • In a collision with a vehicle traveling at a speed of 50 km/h, the same force acts on our body as if we fell 10 m deep. At higher speeds, this force increases greatly.
  • Experts have found that there would be 40% fewer fatalities among drivers and passengers in cars if everyone wore seat belts.

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Traffic safety