In recent years the number of thefts and robberies (theft of tyres, cargo, objects from vehicles, etc.) at motorway rest areas has increased.

Theft at motorway rest areas?  Take good care of your belongings!

Thefts are most frequent on the route between Italy and Hungary and between Austria and Croatia. Therefore it is important to be vigilant, especially on public holidays, when a lot of people travel.

TatvineAC pocivalisce

  • When stopping at a motorway rest area, keep an eye on your vehicle and objects inside. If you leave the vehicle, make sure you lock it and do not leave valuable items visible.
  • If you are being flagged down by unknown individuals, we strongly advise against stopping on the motorway.
  • If you see suspicious individuals pretending to need help or wanting to help you at rest areas or along the motorway, let the police know by calling 113 or anonymous hotline 080 12 00.

On Slovenian motorways and in their vicinity criminals most frequently use the following tricks:

  • at rest areas they attract the victim's attention while their accomplices steal valuable items from the car (bag, phone, wallet etc.);
  • they sell fake goods to the victim (fake gold jewellery);
  • at a rest area or petrol station they puncture a tyre on the victim's car and later, when the victim stops after several kilometres because of a flat tyre, they stop and offer to help, then commit a theft or robbery;
  • at night they take advantage of the owners' absence and break into cars or lorry cabs or they steal valuables while drivers are resting in their vehicles.

These offences are usually carried out by a group of criminals, who divide roles; frequently they are foreigners of different nationalities. Their victims are both Slovenian citizens and foreigners transiting Slovenia. 

04 TatvineACBeware of motorway thieves abroad as well!

Theft on the motorway and at rest areas is even more widespread in other EU member states. Therefore, you have to be very careful when strangers try to make contacts with you at motorways and rest areas abroad. When travelling abroad, it is especially recommended not to keep all identity documents and money together in one bag or wallet, as if it gets stolen you lose both documents and money.

Avoid parking in remote parts of large rest areas. Use the well-lit car parks, which are often under CCTV surveillance. We especially recommend using well maintained secure rest areas.

If you are a victim of a crime abroad, inform the police as soon as possible and give them as much information as you can. If your documents and money have been stolen, contact the Slovenian embassy in the country where it happened.

AC tatvine plakat

Police advice for greater safety at motorway rest areas 

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