The first sledge that a child gets is not intended for racing and record-breaking sports achievements, but more often serves as a means of transport for the - often already tired - little owner.

When you buy them, choose stronger - and more durable ones, so that they can withstand "multiple passengers", because during the descent down the bank, one of the parents will definitely be with the child.

Pay attention to the following:

  • picture of a family on a sledge in fresh snow

    Never leave a child with a sledge alone, as they can quickly end up on a ski slope where sledging is not allowed.
  • For a child who does not have a classic sledge, but a plastic UFO plate, a shovel and similar props, choose slopes with as few bumps as possible. Leaps when sledging with such, more difficult-to-manage devices on uneven terrain can damage the spine!
  • The sledge must not have sharp edges anywhere.
  • The twine must be so strong as to withstand the transport of the passenger on the sledge.
  • The sledge should have handles or a wooden backrest that the child can lean on or lean against to prevent it from sliding backwards.
  • The child's legs and feet should be safely placed on the sledge.
  • If possible, choose a wooden sledge. If you decide on plastic ones, they should be made of high-quality material that can withstand low temperatures, so that they do not fall apart at the first uneven levels due to fragility.

Sledging is becoming fashionable, especially with plastic bags, tires and boats. There are more and more fatal injuries in sledging adventures, mainly due to the underestimation of sledge replacements.

Particularly dangerous means of transport on a snow slope are car tires, rubber boats, plastic bags, plastic shovels - in short all that cannot be satisfactorily steered.

picture of two sledges

The Ski Area Safety Act stipules that a skier must wear a protective ski helmet until the age of 14.
Otherwise, regardless of the skier's age, the motto should be followed: A smart head is protected by a helmet.

Sledging on the ski slope is only allowed on areas that are intended for this purpose and are marked or secured as prescribed.

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