The Security and Protection Service is a unit within the General Police Directorate. The Centre is tasked with operational, technical and physical protection of persons and facilities. Its main task is to protect designated persons and sites from any source of threat.

The Security and Protection Centre's duties are the planning, organisation, coordination, steering, control and oversight of protection activities related to designated persons and the facilities under police protection. The Centre also delivers staff training, prepares sector-specific legislation, cooperates with other law enforcement and administers a register of vetted persons.


  • Close Protection Section
  • Security of Premises Section
    • Internal Security of Premises Desk
    • External Security of Premises Desk
  • Preventive Operational Protection and On-duty Section
  • Operational Support Section

Physical Security Section

The Physical Security Section is involved in protection of designated persons and facilities with their perimeters. It provides physical protection. It works closely with the Republic of Slovenia's Protocol Office and the protected persons' office and other professional and operational police services. The Section has four subsections.

Physical Security Desk. It works closely with the Republic of Slovenia's Protocol Office and the protectee's office and other professional and operational police services.

President's Security Desk. Provides security to the President of the Republic of Slovenia. In preparing its operations to protect the President, his residence and other sites of his stay, the desk works closely with other Centre's units. The desk liaises with the Protocol Office, the President's office and foreign law enforcement services.

Prime Minister's Security Desk. Provides security to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia. In preparing its operations to protect the Prime Minister, his residence and other sites of his stay, the desk works closely with his office, the Protocol Office and, if appropriate, with foreign law enforcement. It also works closely with the Centre's other units.

Internal Security Desk. Prepares details of internal physical protection operations. The desk controls and administers anti-theft, fire alarm and video-control systems. It performs anti-bomb checks and screens visitors, places, postal deliveries, presents and luggage. It is also in charge of access control. In situations involving the activation of alarm systems it will proceed according to relevant protection plans.

The Preventive and Operation Security Section is involved in the protection of designated persons and of facilities with their perimeters. Its core tasks are the provision of preventive and operational protection services and the maintaining of the Centre's on-duty service. It performs advance site surveys at which agents conduct protective research and assess potential threats. This section also provides security to foreign diplomatic representatives and other persons under international protection. In general, it cooperates with state authorities, government offices, foreign diplomatic and consular missions and foreign law enforcement.

The section employs two liaison officers who, as specified in the cooperation agreement between the interior and foreign affairs ministries, make sure coordination activities take place and a proper level of professional assistance is afforded to foreign law enforcement, diplomatic and consular representatives and representatives of international organisations. The Section is sub-divided in two smaller units.

The Operational Security Desk provides operational protection and carries out other protection measures. It works closely with the Republic of Slovenia's Protocol Office, public institutes, local communities, public and private organisations. The desk also performs operational advance site surveys.

The Preventive Security Desk performs preventive protection services. It prepares threat assessments, security-relevant information and assigns threat levels. Another of its duties is security vetting of persons and the administration of the register of vetted persons. The desk monitors and defines indicators of security risk and identifies other sources of potential threat.

The Technical and External Security and Operational Support Section is involved in the protection of designated persons, facilities and their perimeters. It takes care of the following functional areas: planning of and carrying out of training of the Centre's staff, providing material and technical support to the Centre's sub-units and maintaining the local information system. As part of its responsibilities, it provides assistance in using and maintaining the service weapons, the Centre's car pool and other equipment. This Section has two subsections.

The Technical Security Desk's duties are to plan, organise and carry out technical protection and secure smooth operation of communications.

The External Security Desk's duties are to plan, organise and carry out physical protection and intervene in case of security alarm's activation. It also functions as a minor offence authority. 

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Close protection and protection of facilities


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General Police directorate
Security and Protection Centre
Ulica Jožeta Jame 8
1000 Ljubljana

+ 386 01 30 86 100
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